Wraptious Winter Cushion Competition!

Wraptious is hosting its Cushion Competition for the 9th year, with over £1750-worth of prizes. Artists are invited to submit up to three artworks, of any medium, including photography (AI-work is not allowed), which Wraptious turns into cushions!
It's free to enter, open to all and artists keep copyright. All cushions are available to purchase during the competition, earning artists commission. Six artists with the most points are automatically shortlisted, with a further six artists chosen by us. Scroll down for more info, or read full instructions.
How does it work?
STEP 1: Sign up on the 'Enter the Competition' link above, then upload your artwork. You can enter up to three images, which must be a minimum of 2000 x 2000 pixels. A cropping tool is available.
STEP 2: Once you're happy with how your images are cropped and named, submit your entries, which are then available to purchase as cushions during the competition, earning you commission.
STEP 3: Entries are posted on our Facebook page, and we email you when they're live! Artists earn 2 points per Facebook like or share and 100 points per sale. The 6 artists with the most points are automatically shortlisted. All sales earn artists commission, and we plant a tree for every order too!
STEP 4: The 6 artists with the most points are automatically shortlisted, with a further 6 chosen by us, to keep it fair for those not on Facebook. Established industry judges then choose the winners.
Competition Prizes
1st Place: £500.
2nd Place: £250.
3rd-12th Place: £100 each
1st and 2nd Place entries showcased on Wraptious for a year.
Medals and Certificates for all Finalists.
Happy Artists!